Stopping The Bloodshed In Your Team Workshop

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Date & Time: 29/11/22 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM


Your greatest enabler of leadership bad@ssery is an effective, high-performing team. But leading a team is no walk in the park. Getting the most out of people, helping them overcome their fears, getting them to work together despite conflicts and achieving growth without you having to micromanage is no short list of things to be done (cue the exhaustion). You know the pain of team bloodshed, but do you know how to get them to perform at their best?

In this truly unique workshop, you’ll get your hands on the concepts, tools and practical takeaways we’ve used to coach hundreds of leaders on how to move beyond the focus on “dysfunctions” and instead build a team that outperforms the rest. No more worrying about how to get the team on track, so you can instead focus on how what you want them to achieve for yourself.

The workshop is highly practical, hands-on and held in a unique warehouse studio outside the doldrums of a corporate training room.


  • Successfully develop your team while stretching your comfort as a coach & leader

  • Mediate the madness & encourage productive discourse within your team

  • Deliver 1-2-1s that actually work and remove the conflict

  • Build an anti-consensus team (everyone agreeing is not the aim) that achieves goals

  • Manage missed accountability, so your team own their goals and create better results

  • Develop team psychological safety & building a kick@ss team that retains top talent

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